Grant Application Process

The grant application process is over for 2024 and will be open again in July of 2025

2025 Grant Guidelines

The Job Research Foundation is offering grant funding for researchers who are interested in researching the causes of, and treatments for, Job Syndrome. The Foundation’s goal is to help advance research to find a cure for Job Syndrome. In the short term, we hope the research will improve the treatments for patients suffering from Job Syndrome.

For the 2025 calendar year, the Foundation will award up to two 2-year grants of up to $200,000 each. Special consideration will be given to research focused on Job Syndrome and Pulmonary complications due to Job Syndrome, and therapies to help them. It is anticipated that these grants will be available on an annual basis for new applicants. Previous applicants can apply in subsequent years to extend their research.

Grants are awarded between December and January. All grant proposals will be reviewed by the Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Board. Any conflicts of interest will be disclosed in the review minutes and will be reported on grant approvals.

The submission deadline for all grant applications extended to November 1st, 2024. Grants will be awarded between December and January. All grant proposals will be reviewed by the Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Board. Any conflicts of interest will be disclosed in the review minutes and will be reported on grant approvals.

The timeline for the approval of grants is as follows:

No later than November 1, 2024 required documents due and all applications completed

November 2024: Advisory Board application review

December 2024 - January 2025: Recipients announced

Grant Conditions

  • Funds may not be used entirely for salary and/or lab support.

  • Funds may not be used for travel expenses, or expenses incurred before the grant is received without prior written approval from the Foundation.

  • The recipient must notify the Research Committee of any publications resulting from the work supported by the Foundation’s grant.

  • The recipient should be prepared for a “check-in” with the Foundation at six months, as well submit a written report of progress and a financial report at the end of the first year as well as at the end of the second year. The Foundation also expects the grant recipient to present his or her research results at a future Foundation board meeting, in person or by teleconference, to be determined after the final report has been submitted and reviewed.

  • Payments for the second year of the grant will be contingent on agreed-upon milestones being met during the first year of research.

  • Applicants should submit a proposed timeline with dates, and milestones, that the researchers will meet.

  • The research must be selected and supervised by a qualified public charity; funds will be disbursed to such institution and not to the individual researcher.

All of the grant conditions provided above will be summarized in a grant agreement that will be presented to the recipient.

Grant Limitations:

The Job Research Foundation will not consider grant inquiries from organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

Application Process

The Research Grant Application is to be completed and returned to the Foundation along with other required items documented below:

  • Applicant’s Personal Statement – this should not exceed one page and should summarize Applicant’s training to date and comment on any specific clinical and research interests that the Applicant has.

  • Detailed Research Proposal - Applicant should outline the specific aims, background, methodology, purpose, and goals of the proposed research project. Tables, figures, and graphics may be included as supplemental documentation to support the proposal.

  • Budget and Budget Justification - a budget and detailed budget justification document must be attached with the application. It should not exceed two pages.


Applicant must include a document, if applicable, substantiating that the proposed research has a plan to obtain approval by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) or human subjects Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the grantee institution.

Curriculum Vitae/Biosketch

Applicant should attach a current curriculum vitae or biosketch highlighting Applicant’s experience as it pertains to the proposed project. Also list the publications in order of relevance to the proposal. In addition, Applicant must submit a Primary Mentor Biographical Sketch, similar to the NIH’s format.

The Foundation accepts submissions of the Research Grant Application and all required materials by email at

Any additional inquiries should be submitted to the above email address.